its me !

My photo
used to be Arsenal die hard fan ! currently being a staunch Chelsea supporter ! Football maniac who doesn't plays football ! Foodaholic ! Addicted to music !

wanna talk lil bit much !

haloo there.
so yes my name is not really jannahk
or jayjengkel or whatever
I'm only 17+.
22nd.May.1993 is my day.
I guess you can call me cruel
when you first meet me
but after those cruel moments
I get to be really outgoing.
I'm someone who loves chilling with people
and having a hoolahoop time with my friends.
sometimes I can be a lil bit crazy
and its kinda cool.

I am currently single and it pretty much great.
I would die to have a boyfriend that can understand me.
he doesn't have to be perfect because no one is perfect.
I love arguing tho.
I dont care what you think about me
but if you are the same things as me
we will definitely click
and I've been thinkng to make
the contest for the
loudest and longest screaming together.haha

I seriously enjoy food.
its something I cannot stand
just put any kind of food in front of me
and I'll be able to eat it up in a second.
I'm definitely addicted to chocolate now.
if you gave me chocolate
doesn't matter it is cadburry, toblerone, kitkat and etc.
I'm sure that you gonna be my newest best friend

I lovee music too.
I can say that music is my life.
I think I cant live without music.
when I kinda stress or
feel wanna kill somebody
I'll enjoy to listen the
progressive hardcore music.
but when I'm kinda boring for being lonely.
I'll enjoy to listen the instrumental music.
and what I really love to is
HipHop and R&B music. no doubt.
I dont know how to explain why I love it damn much.
I'm just can say that when I listen to them.
there was a memory came rushing in my mind.
I cant see what was it clearly.
its just seem slightly going.
and at the same time
I feel that I can smell
the green tea perfumes too.
arghh..the feeling that was so hard to explain
besides that I love to listen
all kinda music whenever I free.
sorry for such long talk
and the broken english.
sorry I need you !

Friday, February 18, 2011

santai santai bajet ayu :D

ehem..ehem... nampak budak seksi ni ??

ini la anak sedara perempuan aku yang tunggal setakat ni
name manje die Icha ni bukan maen semangat nak turun mandi kat kolam dia....dah sampai kat situ tak berani pulak nak turun...ahahaha.....budak ni sangat lah mengade ngade....hehehe..ikut mak su dia lah kot.... :D ....sebenarnya tadi aku pegi rumah abang aku...dah lama tak pegi jalan kat umah mereka....sampai-sampai je terus anak buah aku nak p turun mandi kolam kat depan rumah mereka...mereka ada lah ajak aku sekali..ishhh...tak mau aku.....tapi aku pegi jugak ikut mereka...nak tgok kan si Icha tu...mana tau..lemas karang....hahaha..padahal air tak de la dalam sangat.....

ini pulak abang long si Icha....ehe..pehal malu-malu ni Izwan... :)
yang sebelah Izwan tu..adek dia yang no dia Hariz..degil yang amat !!
no komen !!! ahahahaha !
terjun jugak si Icha ni lepas paksa aku join mereka sekali..
ehe....sengal kan gamba ni??? :(

aku hanya memerhati saja...tengok..air pun setakat paras lutut aku saja...itu dia si montel sebelah aku..dia nak berenang tu... gambar "bergerak" ni...aku simbah dia takpa...dia simbah aku , aku marah..ahahahaha..sian Ichaa..
pedulikan basikal kecik dan penunggang itu...ehehe..aku pakai kaen batek tu....aku tak bawak baju or seluar pakai je lah kaen batek kakak aku...bajet perempuan melayu terakhir tu..

pabila ke mengadaan aku semakin mengada ngada...biar kan blog aku.... ehehehe

Terengganu Next Top Model wannabe !!! ahahahha...bajet ayu jea tuh...sebenarnya aku bosan....jadi.untuk menghilangkan rasa bosan itu......ehe :DD

ehehehe..sementara tunggu nak drive kete..aku eksen sebentar...ha...cerita pasal drive kete...aku saje nak maen-maen ngan mak ayah aku..konon nak drive kete jap...biasa ar..jalan kampung tu tak busy...mak aku memang tak bagi ar...tapi ..bapak aku yang sempoi membenarkan aku untuk men drive kereta pesona nya...ehehehe...aku drive, bapak aku duk sebelah...kami ronda dekat-dekat je...wah..rupanya aku dah semakin mahir..tak mati pun kereta tu...hurmmmm...rasenya dah takde ape2 dah aku nak story malam ni...besok pulak aku ada driving mintak diri dulu wahai Lesung Cik Kiah !!


Syafiqah Takiyudin said...

hardooowwwww! tak boleh blah pkai tdung kuning dgn kain batik tu haaa! XD

sabaria.hidayah said...

woi bile mu g nie? sap eamek gmbo? icha bakpe gmok ngak?
tu payung sape?

Jannah K said...

che non...model wannabe !!!! ngeh ngeh ngeh

kak limah...tadi...bapak ler..sape lagi...biasa ae..melantak je ghoje nye..payung kak ni..hahahahah