its me !

My photo
used to be Arsenal die hard fan ! currently being a staunch Chelsea supporter ! Football maniac who doesn't plays football ! Foodaholic ! Addicted to music !

wanna talk lil bit much !

haloo there.
so yes my name is not really jannahk
or jayjengkel or whatever
I'm only 17+.
22nd.May.1993 is my day.
I guess you can call me cruel
when you first meet me
but after those cruel moments
I get to be really outgoing.
I'm someone who loves chilling with people
and having a hoolahoop time with my friends.
sometimes I can be a lil bit crazy
and its kinda cool.

I am currently single and it pretty much great.
I would die to have a boyfriend that can understand me.
he doesn't have to be perfect because no one is perfect.
I love arguing tho.
I dont care what you think about me
but if you are the same things as me
we will definitely click
and I've been thinkng to make
the contest for the
loudest and longest screaming together.haha

I seriously enjoy food.
its something I cannot stand
just put any kind of food in front of me
and I'll be able to eat it up in a second.
I'm definitely addicted to chocolate now.
if you gave me chocolate
doesn't matter it is cadburry, toblerone, kitkat and etc.
I'm sure that you gonna be my newest best friend

I lovee music too.
I can say that music is my life.
I think I cant live without music.
when I kinda stress or
feel wanna kill somebody
I'll enjoy to listen the
progressive hardcore music.
but when I'm kinda boring for being lonely.
I'll enjoy to listen the instrumental music.
and what I really love to is
HipHop and R&B music. no doubt.
I dont know how to explain why I love it damn much.
I'm just can say that when I listen to them.
there was a memory came rushing in my mind.
I cant see what was it clearly.
its just seem slightly going.
and at the same time
I feel that I can smell
the green tea perfumes too.
arghh..the feeling that was so hard to explain
besides that I love to listen
all kinda music whenever I free.
sorry for such long talk
and the broken english.
sorry I need you !

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


hehehehe....lame giller tak update....oleh kerana tahap bosan ku kini boleh mencecah tahap untuk menjadi gila, aku dengan bijak membuat keputusan untuk MENG update blog ini....takde pe pe yg nak aku tulis...aku nak citer pasal pengalaman aku yang baru je aku lalui petang tadi....ceritanya pun bermula lah.....pada suatu petang yang hening....CHEE WAAHH..hahahahah...aku pegi kelas memandu....

action je ni...hehehe    

tup tup..cikgu yang sepatutnya ajar aku tak leh datang..katenye ade emergency...aku ingat kan batal la kelas ari ni..boleh la jugak aku balek..sambung tido...rupa rupanya, ade cikgu lain yang gantikan tempat cikgu tu....datang je cikgu tu..terus kami berjalan menuju ke kereta nya....setibanya d kereta yang di tuju...cikgu tersebut terus mengambil seat penumpang hadapan...aku pun ape lagi...paham-paham jelah...takkan aku nak pergi ambik seat penumpang belakang lak confident nye aku masuk seat driver...wah..dah rase macam professional F1 racer pulak time aku bukak pintu kereta tersebut....memang cita2 terpendam aku tu....nak ganti Alex Yoong..tapi apekan daya.........handsome jugak mamat ni kan...

ex-Formula One star aka ex-boyprend aku

masuk je lam kete terus cikgu tu cakap arini aku kena drive kat jalan raya utama...gelabah...tak de lah sangat...excited ade punya drive...dah nak hamper sangat dah tamat pusingan kedua jalan yang aku lalu tu, tiba kat traffic light...still hijau time aku nak sampai tu...sampai-sampai je..terus bertukar kuning dan terus merah la lepas tu.... 

ni lah lebih kurang gaya aku time sampai betul kat line putih traffic light tu

Sempat jugak aku tgok cermin sisi  kanan aku nampak la muka mamat driver kereta kat belakang aku tu yang agak frust...kalau tak di ikut kan peraturan..memang sempat lagi tadi...aku kan bakal pemandu yang aku berenti lah...tambahan lagi kat simpang kiri aku..ade polis..tapi polis tu macam tak kesah...saje ronda ronda kot....time hijau je lampu..aku nak jalan la ni..tup tup..mampos lak kete ni...hahahahahah..dah lah tempoh lampu tu hijau kejap je...baru je aku nak lepas clutch...dah merah balek...hahahaha...aku pun ape lagi gelak ar ngan cikgu tu...mane tak nye...dua kali lampu hijau dia terlepas...

takde lah macam ni sangat rupe dia..ini dah over..hahaha

kami tengok muka mamat belakang dah merah dah....cuak giller muka die....wakakakkakakakaka...aku tak gelabah sebab kompem dia tau yang aku ngah belaja... tengok kete kelas memandu yg ade sticker L kat belakang...then...tggu  lampu hijau sekali lagi aku dah ready awal awal tekan pedal minyak dengan perlahan-lahan..fuhhh...naseb baek lepas....itu jelah aku nak share hari ni....sekian... ehhhh...

lupa nak cakap....

kisah ni takde kena mengena ngan tajuk sebenarnya....ehe...

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